If you're in financial services, you know banking like the back of your hand—and are probably passionate about your industry and what you do.
Here at DBSI, we're passionate about our work, too. Heated debates, intense discussions, chair throwing—OK, not quite that crazy...
But with a company full of people enthusiastic about what they do, fiery conversations happen.
Recently, we got into a debate on how banks and credit unions are using Digital Signage.
Instead of going back and forth between ourselves, I figured why not ask the people who are using it in their branches, directly?
If you've got 5 minutes, it would mean a lot if you could fill out this short survey.
To sweeten the deal, you'll be entered to win a $100 Amazon.com gift card, and I'll share the results of the survey with you so you can understand the industry better, too.
The more responses we have, the more we all learn!