1 min read
5 Stunning Before & Afters of What's Possible With Banking Technology
Elise Roling : Dec 5, 2013

Editor's Note: This is Part Five in our Banking Technology Buyer's Guide Series - a multi-part series devoted entirely to banking technology strategies, trends, and how to find the right equipment mix for your branch of the future.
According a recent study1, 69% of banking consumers used a branch within the past two weeks….AKA 76 million households!
Clearly, the branch still has a significant place in consumer’s hearts.
So, if branches are not going away any time soon, how are FIs incorporating technology into inviting branch designs? One that showcases their brand while making the experience feel quick, personable and high tech?
As the final piece of our banking technology series, here is a look at a few “Before and After” photos of banks and credit unions getting technology and design right.
Mission ImPossible: Branch of the Future, Before and After
These examples show how FIs are using a mixture of the 4 components of an effective technology strategy, referenced in Part One of the Technology series, to create open and engaging branch designs.
Using this series as a launching point, you should start to get an idea of technology and improvements that might make sense for your branch.
Here’s a list of all the articles in the Banking Technology Series:
Part One: 4 Components of An Effective Technology Strategy: A Buyer's Guide
Part Two: 6 Things Your Branch is Losing Every Day by Not Investing in New Technologies
Part Three: What are the Best Banking Digital Signage Options and Why?
Part Four: The Death of the Teller Line
Part Five: 5 Stunning "Before & After" Examples of What's Possible with Banking Technology
Interested in taking it a step further? Contact us to make your branch network a "Before and After" story too!
Endnotes: 1MSR 2013 National Banking Study
As an addition to the Banking Technology Buyer’s Guide series, we’ve put together a cheat sheet that lists all the banking technology options, equipment, and objectives discussed.