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2 min read

A Letter From Our CEO Regarding COVID-19

A Letter From Our CEO Regarding COVID-19

We simply want to proactively communicate our preparedness in support of you and your business. A key mantra that drives our company is “create the company you’d want to hire and work for.” 

Every day we are doing just that. DBSI + CFM will continue to put the safety of our team members (we call them the Purple Army), and those with whom we associate and do business with, at the forefront. We are evaluating the ever-changing landscape on a daily basis and will remain flexible with our current and future actions to evolve as we monitor the situation.


Initially we are addressing three main areas within our business. Those are as follows:

Business Continuity & Client Support

  • We have tested our in-place business continuity plans to ensure we can support you from essentially anywhere. All contact points, phone, e-mail, etc. are all the same and functioning as planned.
  • We will continue to leverage the use of technology by increasing the use of remote meeting applications such as “GoToMeeting”.
  • All of our team members are equipped to be able to work remotely, as necessary.
  • Our offices are adequately supplied with necessary sanitary supplies, food items, water, and emergency items.
  • We will be doing our best to help support your technology, equipment, software and current projects so that you can do the same for your clients.
  • We will continue to share ideas, best practices, or educational topics to further support your business in unprecedented times

Company Policies and Communication

  • We are echoing the guidance as published and made available by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and continue to be educated together as a company. Appropriate Steering Committees have been put in place for agile communications and actions across all lines of business.
  • Our simple guidance is that if you are feeling sick, please stay home. Also, please read and understand the guidelines and precautionary measures provided by the CDC and other reliable medical sources, such as, hygiene/sanitation guidelines, personal contact, and maintaining appropriate separation and distances. These have all been continuously shared among all of our team members.


  • We will be restricting travel for our team members to only business critical travel. We consider business critical travel to be that necessary to adequately staff our projects and meet the primary obligations as deemed safe for all parties.
  • Where possible, and as often as possible, we are encouraging our employees to replace any travel with remote meetings and leveraging videoconferencing technology, noted previously, such as “GoToMeeting,” to again support you.
  • Our “in the field” technicians are prepared to support your business continuity, but of course will do so with all safety precautions at the forefront.  When supplies are available, our technicians may have on sanitary/FFP3 masks and latex gloves

To the above, this is the type of company I’d want to hire and work for. That mantra has served us well in making solid business decisions that best put in place a business of value to you. We hope you agree.

As always, thank you for your partnership and even deeper collaboration with us.

jws-circleJohn W. Smith


As we are in this together, if you find a specific action that is working within your business and would like to share it, we will be very receptive and grateful to any sharing in the context of our partnership with you.

Main phone # for DBSI: 855- ASK-DBSI
Main phone # for CFM: 855-333-4CFM
Main contact points for Technical and Field Support (both companies): 844-777-5457 or Support@purplearmy.tech