2 min read
Selling With Digital Signage: Brilliant Examples You Need To See
Megan Urlacher
Jul 24, 2014

As bankers, an important goal is helping clients learn about the menu of products and services our financial institution offers and how we can make their lives better.
The problem is the tools we use to engage clients with (AKA printed brochures) aren’t all that exciting—especially for the modern client.
Instead of creating an appetite for discovery, your expensive printed brochures are likely gathering dust. Adding insult to injury, just one information change and your brochures become outdated and irrelevant, costing even more to get reprints.
Is there a better approach?
That’s where Interactive Digital Brochures come in - touchscreens that most every Branch of the Future now includes.
To get you inspired for how this might look in your branch, here’s a few brilliant examples and how they work.
Interactive Digital Brochures—the Our Services App
In today’s modern world, people want highly interactive ways to learn and get information. The branch experience should be no different.
Financial institutions need to display their product menu in a way that clients can’t help but look at and engage with. To do that, DBSI developed the Our Services App digital signage package.
Begging to be touched, the Our Services App turns your brochures into an interactive experience running on touchscreen monitors.
Just what exactly do interactive brochures look like? How are financial institutions using them in their branches?
Let's start with the basics.
What Kind of Hardware and Where It Should Go?
Interactive Digital Brochures can run on all sorts of hardware, in all kinds of places - from free standing kiosks, to monitors on a wall, even in more creative spots…like a kitchen table!
Here's a few examples from our portfolio to give you some ideas:
What Does the Content Look Like?
You want to sell your products and services to clients and the purpose of the Our Services App is exactly that— content that displays your products and brochures so clients can interact with it by clicking on what interests them and viewing on a larger-than-life-screen.
More than an ad, less than a brochure, this custom interactive content is to the point, eye-catching, vibrant, and gives clients insight to how a product can help them and how they can take action.
Now that's a way to arouse interest and make it fun to learn about services!
A few amazing examples:
How Can I Get That?
Pretty cool stuff right? Hopefully it's given you some inspiration on how you can add impactful digital signage to your branches.
If seeing this sort of stuff in person sounds even better, our Digital Signage Agency work is just one of the many things we have at our Ideation Center - THE playground for bankers. Check it out here and come visit us!
DBSI is also headed to the upcoming ABA HiX Marketing Conference in September to host a session on reaching higher client expectations through digital signage and Branch Transformation on Sunday, September 7th. Join us! Details here.