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2 min read

Strategic Planning? Get on the Right Path

Strategic Planning? Get on the Right Path

Strategic planning is meant to be a time for strategy. Don't let fleeting trends derail your plans to make sure your FI is a solid player in the future. Use these tips and guides to ensure you are on the right path before your plans are locked in with the budget. 

Who are you targeting?  

Your target market should drive almost everything you do. Most financial institutions have an idea who they are targeting and what their needs are, but rarely is that backed by a clear picture with the data of their actual client base. To understand your client base and what segments you have within your clientele takes some work, but the story it tells is worth it. Once you have clearly identified your target market, you can start to see patterns in what products they use and how you can use that information to better serve your current and future clients. 

Are your legacy systems weighing you down? 

The restrictions of your technology are dangerous to your innovation efforts. Legacy systems can prevent you from upgrading with third-party apps or cause dysfunction in your processes. When these restrictions interrupt service or prevent your associates from providing the expected level of service, it's time to make a change! 

Think only Millennials are using new technology? You might be surprised to learn that industry-wide and beyond, that myth has been busted. Check out this infographic and see how you can fine-tune your branches to attract all generations. 

Find The Facts

Technology has changed the face of banking, and it’s time for your branch to catch up or be left behind. Integrating your automation with your core is no longer something that can stay on your wishlist—it has become a critical element of branch transformation that must be in place before your branch can effectively move into the future. And on the other side of the coin, core providers know that they need to make their core systems easier to integrate with, but there are a lot of things standing in their way.

Is your in-branch experience helping or hurting you? 

Look around your branch from the perspective of your clients or new potential clients. Is it impressive or does it need some updates? Talk with your associates to see if your in-branch messaging is getting noticed or ignored. Use this guide to build a plan to step up your signage game. If a full transformation is still a few years out, find ways to up the game while still making a smart investment. 

  • Train your associates to be more like advisors (Universal Associates/Bankers) 
  • Invest in modular workstations or self-service technology that can be used in a future space 
  • Do a branch refresh that makes an impact cost-effectively

Are you innovating for the future or the soon-to-be-past? 

There are many barriers to innovation in a risk-averse and slow-to-adopt industry, but the simple fact is that those who innovate will be around in the future and those that don't, won't. Strategic planning is the time to think big. What do you want your organization to look like in 5, 10, and 20 years? Start making plans to sow the seeds for your future vision. 

Get help from an expert to build your strategic plan. We've even helped deliver the plan to the board. 

Is your leadership team ready to innovate? 

61% of bankers say a client-centric business model is “very important.” But, only 17% are “very prepared” for it. 

You may have encountered some push back when it comes to new innovative ideas, and you're not alone. The best way to address apprehension when it comes to innovation is to use data to back up your ideas. Data makes a stronger argument and the initiative is far more likely to be successful if your ideas are driven by research. That's why they call it data-driven decisions.