2 min read
Your Branch Transformation Budget: Getting Your Board On Board
Bruce Allen Eastwood : Aug 30, 2018

If you've been following along with our budget series, you're already ahead of the game when it comes to building your Branch Transformation plans for 2019 (in fact, you're basically a rock star at this whole budgeting thing).
With your team, you've already created the right strategy for your transformation by outlining why you need to take action, what you will do, where to apply it, and by when in an Executive Summary. Then, based on that agreed-upon plan, you created an accurate budget based on like projects, industry averages, and your own research (bonus points if it's before your deadline!).
But there's one more (big) step you need to take before you can start executing your (well-planned) Branch Transformation strategy: packaging your budget in the right way to get Board approval!

If your first reaction is a four-letter word, you're not alone. Even if you're fully-prepared, presenting to your board can be nerve-wracking and sometimes even unpredictable.
Here's what often happens:
You've done your Branch Transformation homework. You know the data and research, have a logical plan of attack to address the board's requests, and feel confident in the substance and value of your presentation.
However, we live in a very impatient society that's become accustomed to getting the information we want, right when we want it. And when board members have questions, they won't hesitate to interject around three minutes in because they think you aren't going to get to the information that's important specifically to them.
You'll probably hear questions like, "Have you considered this as well? What is the cost? Which other options have you evaluated? What impact does this have to the overall experience?"
The moment these questions start trickling in, you are now on your heels. Your presentation has been hijacked, and now you've shifted to just answering questions (not good). There has to be a better way...right?
Yes, there is – and it's all about how you format your approval request.
Here's a different approach: begin your presentation by packaging your budget in the format of:
"As Board Members, I've packaged this in the context of the questions I believed you'd want answers to."
Then, state those questions (like the ones below) and see if there are others.

Here's how this format can help you win:
- By identifying these key questions, you've established an agenda that delivers to the answers your board needs to grant approval and clearly outlines the information you'll be covering within your presentation.
- Now that you've surfaced these questions and asked for others, you've taken the sporadic questions off the table.
- Without sporadic questions and interruptions, you can maintain control of the conversation.
- And, of course, you've packaged the right question with the right strategic intent and budget data for a proper approval request!
Once you get board approval, there's only one thing left to do: execute your transformation strategy! We're only a few days away from September, but we have a way to shorten the entire process and drive your initiatives more quickly – and it all starts at a place we call the Ideation Center.
You're invited to join DBSI in Chandler, AZ to spend the day with us where more than 500 financial institutions have started their transformation efforts.

By visiting the Ideation Center, you will:
- Learn the top 10 retail banking barriers to sales and service
- Engage with over 20 retail components, designs and technologies for a hands-on transformation experience
- Discover the latest trends in retail (and how they can work for you!)
Even better, there's no fee to come – all you need to do is get here!
Click the button below to learn more about the unrivaled, interactive experience you can expect from a day at the Ideation Center (plus some of our unexpected elements, like our Batpole and golf simulator!)